Cookie Policy

Cookie policy for Taskurai,, last updated december 2023

Cookie Policy

Taskurai is a brand of Buildby BV.

This "Cookie Statement" applies to the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"). The Website is managed by Buildby BV with company number 0788.462.025, Belgium (hereinafter referred to as "Buildby").

Please read this Cookie Statement carefully as it contains essential information about the cookies used.

The Website uses cookies and related technologies as described below. The Cookie Statement describes how Buildby handles cookies. Please note that non-Buildby websites linked to through the Buildby website are not covered by the provisions of this Cookie Statement.

By accepting cookies, you agree to their use.

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you should adjust the cookie settings of your browser accordingly. You can always withdraw your previously given consent by adjusting your cookie settings. Please be aware that refusing certain cookies may impact your user experience on our Website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small information files that can be stored on your computer or other devices such as a smartphone or tablet. A cookie typically contains the name of the website, information about how long the cookie will be stored, and a randomly generated unique number.

There are two types of cookies that can be used: temporary cookies and permanent cookies. Temporary cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your visit to the Website. Permanent cookies are stored on your device for a longer period and enhance your user experience during your next visit to the Website. This is, for example, the case for your language preference.

Cookies can be used to identify visitors and track which pages of the Website are visited.

For what purposes does this website use cookies?

We use cookies to make this Website more user-friendly and tailor the Website and our services to your interests and needs. We also use cookies to collect anonymous, aggregated statistical data that allows us to understand how visitors use our Website. This helps us improve the content and structure of our Website. It involves monitoring which features visitors use, which pages are visited, and how often.

What types of cookies does the website use?

Buildby uses essential cookies, functional cookies, and analytical cookies.

Essential cookies are essential for the operation of the Website. Without these cookies, you would not be able to navigate through the various pages of our Website. These cookies cannot be refused when you want to visit our Website.

Functional cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website. These cookies cannot be refused when you want to visit our Website.

Analytical cookies are used to analyze the Website. For example, we can see which pages on our website are most frequently read and how many visitors our website has. They are exclusively used to improve the operation of our website and our services. We use Google Analytics for this purpose. Please note that your data is automatically anonymized. Only data related to numbers is collected, which means we do not track the individual visitors of our website.

How can you manage cookies?

You can disable, delete, or adjust the settings for cookies. Disabling cookies may mean that you cannot use certain functionalities of the Website. If you want to adjust the settings for cookies, you can find the instructions for some web browsers here:

Please note that the above list is not a comprehensive list of all web browsers available. If you use a different web browser, you can consult the instructions on the website of the respective web browser provider.

How can we make adjustments to this Cookie Statement?

Buildby reserves the right to amend this Cookie Statement at any time and at its own initiative.

Does Buildby respect my privacy when using cookies?

Buildby respects your privacy at all times.

You can find more information in our general Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions regarding this Cookie Statement or if you wish to exercise your rights regarding personal data, you can contact us via the contact form on the Website.

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