Insurance software

Discover how outdated mainframe software was transformed into a modern application stack, featuring robust background processing tailored for occasional processing power needs.


For pension insurance plans, the original software was developed on an old mainframe and involved extensive background processing. Whenever new parameters are introduced for a timeframe, such as indexation or profit conditions, all individual plans must be recalculated.

Building a modern solution

The old software was thoroughly analyzed, and a new system was built using a modern framework. This upgrade features a single-page frontend application, a GraphQL-powered API, and robust background processing. As a result, file managers at the insurance company now benefit from a more performant and maintainable application, developed in a contemporary programming language.

Occasional processing power needs

Calculations usually occur only occasionally, such as during indexation or parameter changes. With serverless queue-based background processing, the system can be scaled up for quick task execution and scaled down to zero when idle, leading to substantial cost savings.

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