Manufacturing execution system (MES)

Discover how Taskurai can provide a reliable and scalable background processing system to support numerous processes in Manufacturing Execution Systems.


Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) often involve numerous processes that are ideally suited for background processing.

MES application are typically controlled by ERP systems or by planners and operators in the factory. The MES system then launches tasks to be handled in a reliable way. These tasks include processing machine execution plans, uploading manufacturing queues to machines, downloading progress data, and calculating machine progress and aggregates.

Overcoming communication problems

Given that communication with machines can be time-consuming and unreliable due to factors like machine downtime and networking issues, asynchronous queue-based processing becomes essential.

With Taskurai, tasks that fail can be rescheduled, and their progress is easily monitored by operators through the platform's uniform task management system.

Scale according to your business needs

The load for a MES application can fluctuate; for instance, machines with execution queue caches may experience peak usage when new work queues are created and pushed to them. During night shifts, the demand for background processing power often decreases. Taskurai is designed to seamlessly scale from zero instances to peak processing power, providing you with the tools to not only accelerate operations but also save on costs.

Start building with Taskurai today!