Go Plan

Great for a growing business with low-scale production APIs:

  • Up to 20 workers
  • Up to 200 commands
  • Up to 10 instances / worker
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited task duration
  • Up to 2 internal and 1 managed state store
Free credits
  • 150 WCI* / month
  • 2,500 tasks created / month
  • 150,000 seconds task duration / month
Plus ***
  • Tasks: US$ 0.00854 per created task
  • Task duration: US$ 0.00027 per second
  • Max WCI/month: US$ 0.00022 wci/hour
  • Additional usage based Azure costs
Monthly Subscription
$ 175.00 USD
Monthly Subscription
€ 159,00

Click on the Azure Marketplace button to install Taskurai in your own Azure subscription.

Follow the Getting Started guide to setup your first solution.

Request a yearly subscription quote. You will receive an email with your custom quotation shortly.

All prices are in US dollars and do not include VAT or local sales taxes.

* WCI = Sum(Commands * Instances of each worker), the maximum WCI per month is used for calculations.

** Limited core quota per compute environment: default: 100 cores, max 5,000 cores

*** All consumption based billing occurs through Microsoft Billing on your Azure Subscription (tasks, task duration, WCI, compute, networking, storage, db, ...) at local rates for the installed Azure region.